Welcome To The Pascha Easter Bunny Tracker 2025!
(You can't do this with Google or NORAD!)
In lands where Pascha bells ring clear,
The Easter Bunny hops both far and near,
With baskets full of joy and cheer,
Velykden's dawn is drawing near.
Using this tracker to guide his way,
He brings love and hope this holy day.
Where is the Easter Bunny right now? Busy delivery baskets! Follow the Easter Bunny this Orthodox Easter, track him on the special map and watch live videos from everywhere he visits! This is how you track the Easter Bunny for Pascha in 2025!
TAP HERE to read a special message about Ukraine!
You tracked down one
of EB's hidden pysanky!
Keep looking for more!

The Cheeky Chicken answers your questions about tracking the Easter Bunny this Orthodox Easter!
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad the Easter Bunny hid these for Velykden!
Does Greek Easter have a bunny?
Ah, the age-old question of the Easter Bunny's Greek adventures! 🐰 Traditional Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox Easter celebrations in general focus on deeply rooted religious customs. They don't typically involve the Easter Bunny. But here's a fun twist! The Easter Bunny is always up for an adventure and is happy to hop on over to any family's home that wants to include him in their festivities! So, whether you're cracking red tsougrisma eggs, enjoying a delicious treat like kulich, or eagerly awaiting a visit from the Bunny himself, Orthodox Easter is a time filled with joy, love, and maybe just a sprinkle of bunny magic for those who believe! (After all, the Virgin Mary was often shown in ancient art with a white bunny!) Christos Anesti!🥚✨Is there a free tracker for the Orthodox Easter Bunny?
Curious if the Easter Bunny will make a stop at your house for Orthodox Easter? While he isn't the main star of Eastern Orthodox Easter celebrations, that feisty and frisky bunny still loves to hop by and deliver treats to those who wish a visit for Pascha or Velykden! And there's only one official tracker to catch him in action 365 days of the year! Track the Easter Bunny this Paskha and every day of the year at Easter-Bunny.net all year round. Join the fun and follow every hop, skip, and joyful jump of the Easter Bunny's egg-citing escapades with live texting, updates and videos.Does Norad track the Easter Bunny for Orthodox Easter?
NORAD is super busy keeping skies safe and tracking Santa Claus, so they don't track the Easter Bunny for Orthodox Easter. But fear not! Our frisky, fluffy friend has his own special tracker at Easter-Bunny.net and he's online each and every day of the year. So while NORAD's radars are tuned to other important things, you can still follow every hippity-hoppity move of the Easter Bunny at his own official site. Whether you are celebrating Velykden, Veligden or Vaskrs or maybe Pashkët, Paște, Paskha or Pascha, keep those peepers peeled to see where the Easter Bunny is and what he is doing this Orthodox Easter and every day of the year! Christos Anesti! Khrystos voskres!Where is the Easter Bunny right now in the world?
Oh sure, make a grumpy chicken look for you! Didn't you see where the Easter Bunny was right above me? Yes -- right there! The one that shows that the Easter Bunny is at Easter island! See, now you made a grumpy chicken even grumpier!Where is the Easter Bunny on a map now?
Oh, you are so silly! The Easter Bunny isn't on a map. The Easter Bunny is on the rug in his home. (That's so silly you thought the Easter Bunny stands on a map!)I want to find the Easter Bunny
Do you mean like Finding Nemo? I'd tell you where the Easter Bunny is, but now I'm worried about Bruce the Shark! I wonder if grumpy chickens are friend or food?Can I tail the Easter Bunny?
Well, he really has a very nice tail right now. Much nicer than my few feathers! If you wanted to give him a new tail, you'd have to track the Easter Bunny first. Of course, that's really easy because there's an Easter Bunny Tracker right here on this page!I want to find the Easter Bunny.
Why did you lose him!?! Baskets and bunnies! For a grumpy chicken I make EGGS-ellent jokes! Oh, I did it again! I'd tell you where the Easter Bunny is, but now I'm laughing too hard!Where's the Easter Bunny?
Ooh! Ooh! Is this like one of thoseWhere's Waldo
orWhere's Wally
games? I might be a grumpy chicken but I still like to play games!Where is the Easter Bunny right now?
Well right now the Easter Bunny is next to a... no, he moved. Wait, now he's beside a... moved again! And then he... Ahh! I can't tell you where the Easter Bunny is right now if he won't stop moving!
Country | Eastern Orthodox Easter Name |
Albania | Pashkët |
Belarus | Пасха (Paskha) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Vaskrs |
Bulgaria | Великден (Velikden) |
Egypt | عيد الفصح الأرثوذكسي (Eid al-Fasah) |
Eritrea | ፋሲካ (Fasika) |
Ethiopia | ፋሲካ (Fasika) |
Georgia | აღდგომა (Aghdgoma) |
Greece | Πάσχα (Pascha) |
Kosovo | Pashkët |
Lebanon | عيد الفصح (Eid al-Fasah) |
Moldova | Paște |
Montenegro | Васкрс (Vaskrs) |
North Macedonia | Велигден (Veligden) |
Romania | Paște |
Russia | Пасха (Paskha) |
Serbia | Васкрс (Vaskrs) |
Sudan | Easter (used generally due to multilingual context) |
Syria | عيد الفصح (Eid al-Fasah) |
Ukraine | Великдень (Velykden) |

Who's there?
Avery who?
Avery hoppy Easter to you!

A Special Message From The Easter Bunny About Ukraine
I know everyone is a little scared about what is happening in the Ukraine. I know my friends and I are.
While I ❤️ all the children of the World, Ukraine holds a special place in my heart because of all their special Easter traditions, like Pysanka (beautiful Easter eggs) and Paska (Easter bread).
It is ok if the war in Ukraine makes you a bit afraid or sad. That is normal. But you should talk to someone if it does. It will help you feel better.
You can talk to your parents or friends. If you don't have anyone you can talk to, my dear friend Santa Claus has a webpage of people you can talk to. I hope you'll call them if you need to. They are waiting to hear from you!
I do know there may be homes I can't go to this year because of the war. I am very sorry. But, I hope those people will understand and remember that I do still love them very, very much.
I hope you will think of the millions of people in Ukraine who won't be able to have Easter in their own homes this year.
And finally, I hope you will think of the many, many people in Ukraine who will not have their loved ones with them for any more Easters.
Here are some charities I hope you will support. And please keep the Ukrainian people in your thoughts and prayers.
- EB
Kidsave is rescuing children and families in Ukraine and providing humanitarian aid.
The International Committee of the Red Cross remains active in Ukraine and surrounding countries, saving and protecting the lives of victims of armed conflict and violence.
Save the Children's Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund uses donations to help families meet their basic needs such as food, medicine, shelter, education and psychosocial support.
The United for Ukraine Fund addresses both the immediate needs as well as longer-term needs of those fleeing the conflict.

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